About Studio 37
Studio 37 is located at 800 Cloverdale Avenue in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia. The studio features the sculptures of Armando Barbon and other expert artists in residence who help to create Armando's visions in bronze and marble. Maestro Gabriele Vicari is one such talented artists with whom Armando currently collaborates. There is also a recording studio on site where Armando records his music. To listen to Armando's latest album, Canta Nonno, click here.
"Creating for the People of the World."
Gallery of Sculptures
To view a collection of Armando Barbon's sculptures please visit his online sculpture gallery. For an appointment to view his sculptures in person please email Armando at: armandobarbon@icloud.com.
Dear Friends, Dear Art Connoisseurs!
Thank you for your interest in Studio 37. We can do high quality sculptured portraits and compositions using your color or black and white photos. Proofs can be sent to you and checked via email. In our studios in British Columbia, Canada and in Tuscany, Italy, we can design and produce large scale monuments for any subjects in bronze and/or marble.
Yours Truly,
Armando Barbon
View our Promotional Letter